2009年10月8日 星期四

Cloud computing 翻譯 part1



「The Greek Myths tell of creatures plucked from the surface of the Earth and enshrined as constellations in the night sky. Something similar is happening today in the world of computing. Data and programs are being swept up from desktop PCs and corporate server rooms and installed in “the compute cloud.”

Whether it’s called cloud computing or on-demand computing, software as a service, or the Internet as platform, the common element is a shift in the geography of computation. When you create a spreadsheet with the Google Docs service, major components of the software reside on unseen computers, whereabouts unknown, possibly scattered across continents.

The shift from locally installed programs to cloud computing is just getting under way in earnest. Shrink-wrap software still dominates the market and is not about to disappear, but the focus of innovation indeed seems to be ascending into the clouds. Some substantial fraction of computing activity is migrating away from the desktop and the corporate server room. The change will affect all levels of the computational ecosystem, from casual user to software developer, IT manager, even
hardware manufacturer.」



接下來以Google Docs來舉例,根據維基百科-Google Docs的資料,它是一種文書處理跟電子製表的線上程式。其中使用者透過Web介面、電子郵件或是Google檔案來建立文檔,而預設情況是該文檔將會儲存在Google的伺服器上,跟雲端運算的「透過網路,由服務端提供軟體服務讓用戶端使用」的特色相似。不過我沒使用過該程式,所以也不清楚其程式的實用性。

第三段提到的Shrink-wrap software是指壓製為光碟拆卸的授權軟體,雖然這一類的軟體依然控制著市場,但是雲端運算的出現,將會重大衝擊整個運算生態。但事實上,目前也有不少的軟體經銷商以開放下載有時限性或鎖住部份功能的主程式,再以購買金鑰、序號來開啟程式所有功能的方式進行銷售。

「In a sense, what we’re seeing now is the second coming of cloud computing. Almost 50 years ago a similar transformation came with the creation of service bureaus and time-sharing systems that provided access to computing machinery for users who lacked a mainframe in a glass-walled room down the hall. A typical time-sharing service had a hub-and-spoke configuration. Individual users at terminals communicated over telephone lines with a central site where all the computing was done.」


至於Time-Sharing System分時系統,就是當時作業系統對資料的處理方式。其處理方式就是將各處終端機所傳送過來的程序,均以相等的CPU工作時間進行分配切割,如果無法於指定時間內完成,則再重新進入佇列裡排隊等待。

「When personal computers arrived in the 1980s, part of their appeal was the promise of “liberating” programs and data from the central computing center. ( Ted Nelson, the prophet of hypertext, published a book titled Computer Lib/Dream Machines in 1974.) Individuals were free to control their own computing environment, choosing software to suit their needs and customizing systems to their tastes.
But PCs in isolation had an obvious weakness: In many cases the Sneakernet was the primary means of collaboration and sharing. The client-server model introduced in the 1980s offered a central repository for shared data while personal computers and workstations replaced terminals, allowing individuals to run programs locally.」




「In the current trend, the locus of computation is shifting again, with functions migrating outward to distant data centers reached through the Internet. The new regime is not quite a return to the hub-and-spoke topology of time-sharing systems, if only because there is no hub. A client computer on the Internet can communicate with many servers at the same time, some of which may also be exchanging information among themselves. However, even if we are not returning to the architecture of time-sharing systems, the sudden stylishness of the cloud paradigm marks the reversal of a long-standing trend. Where end users and corporate IT managers once squabbled over possession of computing resources, both sides are now willing to surrender a large measure of control to third-party service providers. What brought about this change in attitude?」



「For the individual, total control comes at a price. Software must be installed and configured, then updated with each new release. The computational infrastructure of operating systems and low-level utilities must be maintained. Every update to the operating system sets off a cascade of subsequent revisions to other programs. Outsourcing computation to an Internet service eliminates nearly all these concerns. Cloud computing also offers end users advantages in terms of mobility and collaboration.」



「For software vendors who have shifted their operations into the cloud, the incentives are similar to those motivating end users. Software sold or licensed as a product to be installed on the user’s hardware must be able to cope with a baffling variety of operating environments. In contrast, software offered as an Internet-based service can be developed, tested, and run on a computing platform of the vendor’s choosing. Updates and bug fixes are deployed in minutes. (But the challenges of diversity don’t entirely disappear; the serverside software must be able to interact with a variety of clients.)」




「Although the new model of Internet computing has neither hub nor spokes, it still has a core and a fringe. The aim is to concentrate computation and storage in the core, where highperformance machines are linked by high-bandwidth connections, and all of these resources are carefully managed. At the fringe are the end users making the requests that initiate computations and who receive the results.」



「Although the future of cloud computing is less than clear, a few examples of present practice suggest likely directions:

WordStar for the Web. The kinds of productivity applications that first attracted people to personal computers 30 years ago are now appearing as software services. The Google Docs programs are an example, including a word processor, a spreadsheet, and a tool for creating PowerPoint-like presentations. Another undertaking of this kind is Buzzword, a Web-based word processor acquired by Adobe Systems in 2007. Another recent Adobe product is Photoshop Express, which has turned the well-known image-manipulation program into an online service.」

這兩段是舉出當前類似雲端運算的例子:WordStar便是從三十年前一直應用到現在的軟體服務。但因為我沒使用過WordSta,所以我也不清楚它與雲端運算之間有何關聯,只知道它是早期一種文書編輯處理軟體;Google Docs本文前面就已簡單介紹,在這裡就不再多作討論;Adobe System於2007年收購Buzzword這款線上文書處理軟體,以及最近把知名的圖片編輯軟體轉變成線上軟體的Photoshop Express

「Enterprise computing in the cloud. Software for major business applications (such as customer support, sales, and marketing) has generally been run on corporate servers, but several companies now provide it as an on-demand service. The first was Salesforce.com, founded in 1999, offering a suite of online programs for customer relationship management and other businessoriented tasks; the company’s slogan is “No software!”」



根據維基百科-Salesforce.com的資料,該網站於1999年由俄羅斯裔美國人 馬克˙貝尼奧夫 所創立。他主張以簡易網站提供企業應用程式的概念,於是他被稱為「軟體終結者」。該網站也提倡雲端運算的理念。


「Cloudy infrastructure. It’s all very well to outsource the chore of building and maintaining a data center, but someone must still supply that infrastructure. Amazon.com has moved into this niche of the Internet ecosystem. Amazon Web Services offers data storage priced by the gigabyte-month and computing capacity by the CPU-hour. Both kinds of resources expand and contract according to need. IBM has announced plans for the “Blue Cloud” infrastructure. And Google is testing the App Engine, which provides hosting on Google server farms and a software environment centered on the Python programming language and the Bigtable distributed storage system.」

關於雲端運算的基礎設備,雖然是外包給其他的數據中心進行維護,但仍然還是需要有人提供該項設備。這段舉出了下列例子:Amazon.com亞馬遜公司提供了該項設備,Amazon Web Services提供了資料儲存、計算的月租服務;IBM宣佈了一項「Blue Cloud」的雲端運算基本設施計畫;以及Google開始測試App引擎
其實今年年初IBM公司已經宣佈與Amazon Web Services合作。這個消息,將會為雲端運算帶來一計強心針。
